You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe,
deserve your love and affection.”
Therapy for Anxiety and Self-Doubt
Anxiety is a difficult emotional and physical feeling of worry, fear, and apprehension. For some, anxiety is a generalized worry and uneasiness about aspects of life and oneself. Feelings of low self-worth and self-doubt underlie generalized anxiety. For others, anxiety is more crippling and leads to feelings of terror and panic attacks. Panic is characterized by a number of physiological symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, light-headedness, faintness, cold or hot feelings, nausea, or gastrointestinal problems. During a panic attack, an individual may fear they are going to lose control or even die. Panicky feelings are a lessened version of panic but are also quite uncomfortable. Some people may have specific places, things, animals, thoughts, or situations that lead them to feel panic. Additionally, they may have deep apprehension about being in certain situations or places because they fear panic symptoms. Other people may have no idea about what is causing them to have panic attacks, as it seems to feel “out of the blue” and surprising. In either case, simply knowing the triggers of panic does not necessarily make them go away. Moreover, research has shown that simply avoiding the places or situations that trigger panic does not make them disappear. In fact, avoiding can strengthen fear and panic symptoms, making self-doubt and general anxiety much worse.
Effective Treatment
So, how can someone change anxiety and panic? I take a three-pronged approach. First, we identify the anxiety cycle and exactly what is happening for you specifically. We uncover the exact thoughts and physiological reactions that are keeping you stuck in your anxiety cycle. We also uncover the sabotages that are keeping you stuck. Next, we help you learn how to work with your own body to relax your physiological reactions. Meditation, mindfulness, and EP are essential practices to help you slow down and feel grounded rather than feel controlled by panic. Next, I use a mind-body approach to help your body release the specific thoughts and feelings that are triggering anxiety. This approach uses acupressure points that have proven effectiveness. I have found that acupuncture and/or a cognitive-behavioral approach alone may not work for all people. Using points on the body that are linked to certain thoughts and feelings eliminates anxiety and panic more efficiently and permanently. I have helped numerous people free themselves from low self-worth, self-doubt, fear, worry, and panic. The combination of working with the mind, the body, breath, and developing a new self-perspective is the key to eliminating anxiety permanently. It is possible to finally transform anxiety and self-doubt into calm self-confidence.